TV Reviews

To My Beloved Dreamers,


As we embark on this journey together, I'm thrilled to invite you into the wonderful world of TV shows through my recommendations. I've curated a comprehensive list of shows that have captured my heart, stirred my imagination, and sparked endless conversations. Whether you're in the mood for gripping dramas, heartwarming comedies, or thrilling mysteries, there's something for everyone in my collection.


To access my TV show recommendations, simply click on the link provided, and you'll be directed to my Notion page. There, you'll find a meticulously organized list categorized by my favorites, shows I didn't finish (DNF), those left uncompleted, and ones I've watched with ratings, genres, where to watch them, and brief overviews of my thoughts.


I hope these recommendations bring you as much joy and entertainment as they've brought me. So grab your popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and let's embark on an unforgettable TV-watching journey together!


With all my love,

Frances 💋