Tv Show Review: Young Royals

Published on 17 March 2024 at 14:44

Unveiling the Royal Drama: My Comprehensive Review of 'Young Royals

Rating: 0 stars
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Season 1 - ⭐️/5

Season 2 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Season 3 - ⭐️⭐️/5

Overall: 2.3/5


Synopsis: Set primarily in the fictional, affluent boarding school of Hillerska, Young Royals follows the tumultuous romance between the heir to the throne Wilhelm and fellow student Simon, whose presence at Hillerska is made possible only through a scholarship


Review: Hello, my beloved Dreamers! Today, I'm thrilled to embark on a journey through the enchanting world of "Young Royals." Join me as we explore the intricate narrative arcs of each season, from the captivating allure of season one to the thought-provoking complexities of season three.


Season one of "Young Royals" transported us into the prestigious corridors of Hillerska, where we witnessed Simon's tumultuous journey amidst the pressures of royalty. While the opulent setting and compelling character dynamics initially captivated us, I found myself grappling with frustration at Simon's friends' judgmental attitudes towards his actions. Their failure to comprehend the depth of his motivations served as an unnecessary impediment to the narrative flow. Nonetheless, the season laid a solid foundation, leaving us eagerly anticipating more royal drama.


Enter season two—a beacon of hope amidst looming shadows. As Simon and Wilhelm's romance took center stage, the series appeared poised for greatness. However, beneath the surface, cracks began to emerge. Wilhelm's overbearing mother emerged as a formidable barrier, casting a somber pall over their budding relationship. Additionally, certain characters lacked the depth and growth we had come to expect, slightly dampening the overall experience. Despite these shortcomings, the season offered glimpses of brilliance, keeping us invested in the lives and loves of our cherished characters.


And then, there was season three—a tumultuous rollercoaster ride that left me grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. To put it bluntly, it felt directionless. The characters we had grown to love appeared disappointingly one-dimensional, with only Simon managing to retain his captivating allure amidst the mediocrity. Wilhelm's incessant belittling of Simon's decisions grated on my nerves, while the reduction of Felice to a mere token character left me yearning for more depth. Sara's incessant self-pity and August's intriguing yet disjointed storyline added to the rollercoaster of emotions.


Speaking of Sara, once a beacon of strength and independence, her character seemed to lose its spark in season three. Her arc, while initially promising, devolved into a repetitive cycle of self-loathing and misplaced guilt. While I appreciated the exploration of racism and identity, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by the lack of meaningful development beyond her relationship with Simon's sister.


Similarly, Felice, a character I had grown fond of in season two, suffered a similar fate in the third installment. Her vibrant personality was overshadowed by tokenism, reducing her to little more than a plot device. The potential for her character to explore deeper themes remained largely untapped, leaving me longing for more substance.


August, however, offered a glimmer of intrigue amidst the chaos. His storyline, while disjointed at times, provided a fascinating glimpse into royal lineage and familial expectations. The dynamic between August and Sara hinted at untapped potential, sparking my curiosity about their shared history. Yet, while I found myself drawn to the idea of their potential romance, I couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship lacked the necessary foundation for a meaningful connection.


Simon and Wilhelm, once the epitome of star-crossed lovers, found themselves ensnared in a tumultuous dance of love and resentment. Wilhelm's transformation from a charming prince to a self-absorbed monarch-in-training left me reeling, questioning the authenticity of their relationship. His demands and verbal assaults on Simon revealed a darker side, tarnishing the once-idyllic image of their romance. Simon's unwavering grace in the face of adversity stood as a testament to his resilience and strength of character.


In conclusion, while "Young Royals" offered glimpses of brilliance, particularly in its second season, season three felt like a departure from the captivating narrative we had come to expect. As we bid adieu to this royal realm, let us reflect on the lessons learned and the memories shared, hopeful for a brighter future in the realm of storytelling.


What did you think of 'Young Royals'? Share your thoughts!


With boundless love and affection,

Frances 💋

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